Lynn Kircher
Lynn Kircher:
“As an artist I’ve been moved, very touched, sometimes overwhelmed, when people who have witnessed my liturgical art tell me that it has enhanced their experience of being human. And this encourages me, it fires my passion, my desire to be true. It’s a way for me as an artist to be of service…” — Lynn Kircher, Sculptor
Born in Decatur, Illinois, Lynn grew up in Saint Louis. Long past the time when the child’s artwork is relegated to the closet, Lynn retained the dream of making beautiful creations in color and clay. At the age of nine he studied the masters Michelangelo, Bridgeman and Shephard. While in high school, he continued studies with the Minneapolis School of Art on a full scholarship. Upon graduation from high school, enlisting early at the age of 17, he joined the “kiddy cruise” to Viet Nam, to fund his way for art school. In 1969 Lynn started his studies with John Jellico at the Colorado Institute of Art. He maintained his ties with this institution for the next 27 years first as a student, and eventually as a teacher. In 1997, leaving the Art Institutes, he turned to his studio in the southern part of the San Luis Valley and the crafting of sculptures for churches nationwide.
Subsequent to the acceptance of his sculpture entitled “At Peace” in the Vatican Collection and his own interview with Pope John Paul II in 2002, Lynn was asked how he felt about this international recognition. “Humbled” he replied, “… with great honor comes great responsibility, to take my skill to a new level.”
Lynn lives in Jaroso, with his spouse Jane, his beloved Cat Sacha, and two dogs Rosie and Timmy.